Sixpenny Handley Waistcoat Festival
Commemorating the Great Fire of Handley in 1892
Join us on Saturday 21st May 2016
for the much awaited 2nd
Sixpenny Handley Waistcoat Festival!
Why Waistcoats?
After the great village fire on the 20th May 1892, so many families lost their homes and contents that the surrounding villages generously gave donations of clothes. They gave so many clothes that afterwards they said you could spot a Handley Man as he wore two if not three waistcoats!
The devastated village was eventually rebuilt but as no one could decide how to spend the donated money the funds were given back to the chancellery and the village was left to rebuild as each homeowner saw fit.
This left Sir Frederick Treves to once describe Sixpenny Handley as 'The ugliest village in Dorset'! How rude!
Help settle this ancient score by donning your most fanciful, fashionable and fruity waistcoat and show Fred that this is truly the best village in Dorset!